TECH Quality Standards

For Suppliers of Medical and Dental Equipment


1.     Clinically and Economically Appropriate:   The supplier will provide equipment that:

·         Achieves the needed clinical function

·         Operates in the appropriate environment and is realistically maintained.

·         Is economically reasonable.

2.     Equipment Quality:   The supplier will ensure that equipment is fully operational with all essential accessories

and supplies before shipping to the recipient.  The supplier should follow a basic checklist to see that all

components have been included and will provide the recipient with a like list.

3.     Technical Manuals:   The supplier will provide appropriate Operator, Service and Maintenance manuals for all


4.     Installation Instructions:   The supplier will ensure that detailed installation instructions are provided for all

equipment that requires installation.

5.     Technical Assistance in Installation:   The supplier, where necessary and possible, will provide technical

assistance for the installation of equipment.

6.     Equipment Training:   The supplier, where possible, will promote, recommend and provide technical assistance

for the operation of equipment.

7.     Packing and Shipping:   The supplier will ensure that equipment is packed to minimize damage during shipment

and with all components clearly identified.

8.     Desired Equipment Features:   In considering providing equipment, suppliers will refer to the following list of

characteristics:  simplicity, portability, minimum required accessories, and availability of supplies necessary

for operation.  Standardization of equipment in the user’s area is ideal if possible.

9.     Supplier- Recipient Agreement:   Communication between the supplier and the end user shall determine the

appropriateness of the equipment before it is shipped.


TECH Quality Standards

For Suppliers of Medical and Dental Supplies 

1.     Clinically and Economically Appropriate:   The supplier will provide supplies that

·         Achieve the needed clinical function.

·         Are appropriate in the environment to which they are sent.

·         Are economically reasonable.

·         Medication Distribution:  Ensure patient is receiving appropriate medicine that is available in-country to the

patient for follow-up of chronic conditions including proper continued medical oversight.

2.     Quality and Condition:  

·         The supplier will ensure that the supplies are of good quality and in a useable condition.

·         Medicine is of a quality that is pure, safe, effective, and appropriate for its intended use.

3.     Proper Utilization:   The supplier and recipient both must understand the proper use and application of the

supplies being transferred.  When providing supplies, suppliers and recipients will both consider the

following characteristics:  simplicity, disposable vs. non-disposable, sterilization, temperature requirements,

and availability of future supplies necessary for sustainability. 

4.     Expiration Dates:   The supplier and recipient must have a working knowledge of product dating terms and

regulations (e.g. manufacture date, sterility date, and expiration/use before date, etc.).  The shipper shall

comply with all shipping, customs, government or recipient dating requirements.

5.     Storage and Shipping:   The supplier will ensure that supplies are packed to minimize damage during shipment

and with all containers clearly identified with proper labels.  The supplier will ensure proper storage prior to

shipping and will verify that the recipient can receive and store properly as well. All hazardous material must

be packaged, labeled, and shipped per hazmat shipping regulations. Medicine should meet the appropriate

standards of each specific product for temperature and humidity.

6.     Sterilization:   The supplier will remind the recipient that the recipient is responsible for ensuring proper

sterilization of supplies before use if sterilization is actually required.  

7.     Supplier- Recipient Agreement:  

·         Communication between the supplier and the end user shall determine the appropriateness of the supplies

before they are shipped.

·         Medicine should only be supplied consistent with applicable State and Federal law for wholesale distribution.


Revised April 2022